Question #5987   Submitted by Answiki on 03/01/2022 at 07:59:26 PM UTC

In French, what is the feminine of the word amateur?

Answer   Submitted by Answiki on 03/01/2022 at 08:02:03 PM UTC

According to the dictionary of the French Academy, the French word amateur is only a masculine singular noun.

However, usage tends to use the following feminine forms:

  • When the word amateur is used as an adjective, its feminine form is amateure.
  • When the word amateur is used as a noun, its feminine form is amatrice.


Ils ont été battus par une équipe amateure. <=> They were beaten by an amateur team.

Est-ce la fin de l'électronique amateure ? <=> Is this the end of amateur electronics?

Sylvie est une amatrice de peinture. <=> Sylvie is an amateur painter.

Je ne suis pas une amatrice de boîtes de nuit. <=> I am not a nightclub lover.

2 events in history
Answer by Answiki on 03/01/2022 at 08:02:03 PM

According to the dictionary of the French Academy, the French word amateur is only a masculine singular noun.

However, usage tends to use the following feminine forms:

  • When the word amateur is used as an adjective, its feminine form is amateure.
  • When the word amateur is used as a noun, its feminine form is amatrice.


Ils ont été battus par une équipe amateure. <=> They were beaten by an amateur team.

Est-ce la fin de l'électronique amateure ? <=> Is this the end of amateur electronics?

Sylvie est une amatrice de peinture. <=> Sylvie is an amateur painter.

Je ne suis pas une amatrice de boîtes de nuit. <=> I am not a nightclub lover.

Question by Answiki 03/01/2022 at 07:59:26 PM
In French, what is the feminine of the word amateur?
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