Question #5992   Submitted by Answiki on 03/01/2022 at 08:11:43 PM UTC

In French, should we write « violent » or « violant » ?

Answer   Submitted by Answiki on 03/01/2022 at 08:14:07 PM UTC
  • Violent is an adjective, synonymous with brutal.
  • Violent is also the conjugation of the verb violer in the present tense (ils/elles violent)
  • Violent is the past participle of the verb violer.

For example:

Il est emprisonné car il a été violent. <=> He is imprisoned because he was violent.

Cet ouragan est particulièrement violent. <=> This hurricane is particularly violent.

Ils violent des femmes sans défense. <=> They rape defenseless women.

Elles violent les accords que nous avions conclus. <=> They are violating the agreements we made.

En violant cette femme, il a permis à la police de l'identifier. <=> By raping this woman, he allowed the police to identify her.

Ils s'enrichissent en violant la loi. <=> They get rich by breaking the law.

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Answer by Answiki on 03/01/2022 at 08:14:07 PM
  • Violent is an adjective, synonymous with brutal.
  • Violent is also the conjugation of the verb violer in the present tense (ils/elles violent)
  • Violent is the past participle of the verb violer.

For example:

Il est emprisonné car il a été violent. <=> He is imprisoned because he was violent.

Cet ouragan est particulièrement violent. <=> This hurricane is particularly violent.

Ils violent des femmes sans défense. <=> They rape defenseless women.

Elles violent les accords que nous avions conclus. <=> They are violating the agreements we made.

En violant cette femme, il a permis à la police de l'identifier. <=> By raping this woman, he allowed the police to identify her.

Ils s'enrichissent en violant la loi. <=> They get rich by breaking the law.

Question by Answiki 03/01/2022 at 08:11:43 PM
In French, should we write « violent » or « violant » ?
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