Question #5648   Submitted by Answiki on 01/04/2022 at 06:58:31 PM UTC

How to make the percentage sign on a French keyboard?

Answer   Submitted by Answiki on 01/04/2022 at 07:01:20 PM UTC

The percentage sign is symbolized by the % character. On a French keyboard, the following combination display this character:

MAJ + %

Simply press and hold the SHIFT (MAJUSCULE) key, then press and hold the % key (this is the same key as the letter ù next to the M).

Depending on the keyboard, the SHIFT key is also called MAJUSCULE or MAJ or can be symbolized by an up arrow .

2 events in history
Answer by Answiki on 01/04/2022 at 07:01:20 PM

The percentage sign is symbolized by the % character. On a French keyboard, the following combination display this character:

MAJ + %

Simply press and hold the SHIFT (MAJUSCULE) key, then press and hold the % key (this is the same key as the letter ù next to the M).

Depending on the keyboard, the SHIFT key is also called MAJUSCULE or MAJ or can be symbolized by an up arrow .

Question by Answiki 01/04/2022 at 06:58:31 PM
How to make the percentage sign on a French keyboard?
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