Question #5666   Submitted by Answiki on 01/09/2022 at 05:11:29 PM UTC

In French, what do we call the inhabitants of Greece?

Answer   Submitted by Answiki on 01/09/2022 at 05:13:28 PM UTC

In French, the name of the inhabitant of Greece is : Grec.

  • in the masculine singular : un Grec
  • in the masculine plural : des Grecs
  • in the féminine singular : une Grecque
  • in the féminine plural : des Grecques

For example :

Les Grecs nous font totalement confiance. <=> The Greeks trust us completely. 

Les Grecques s'engagent pour les droits de la femme. <=> Greek women are committed to women's rights.

2 events in history
Answer by Answiki on 01/09/2022 at 05:13:28 PM

In French, the name of the inhabitant of Greece is : Grec.

  • in the masculine singular : un Grec
  • in the masculine plural : des Grecs
  • in the féminine singular : une Grecque
  • in the féminine plural : des Grecques

For example :

Les Grecs nous font totalement confiance. <=> The Greeks trust us completely. 

Les Grecques s'engagent pour les droits de la femme. <=> Greek women are committed to women's rights.

Question by Answiki 01/09/2022 at 05:11:29 PM
In French, what do we call the inhabitants of Greece?
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