Question #5693   Submitted by Answiki on 01/12/2022 at 07:06:39 PM UTC

In LaTeX, how to make the parentheses the right size?

Answer   Submitted by Answiki on 01/12/2022 at 07:05:33 PM UTC

In a LaTeX equation, there are several ways to represent parentheses. 

The most basic way is to use the characters ( and ), for example:

  • (x+y) displays :  .

It is possible to automatically adjust the size of parentheses with \left( and \right), for example:

  • \left( \dfrac {1}{x} \right) displays .

Finally, it is possible to specify the size of the parentheses with \big(, \Big(, \bigg( or \Bigg( :

  • \big( displays 

  • \Big( displays 

  • \bigg( displays 

  • \Bigg( displays 

2 events in history
Question by Answiki 01/12/2022 at 07:06:39 PM
In LaTeX, how to make the parentheses the right size?
Answer by Answiki on 01/12/2022 at 07:05:33 PM

In a LaTeX equation, there are several ways to represent parentheses. 

The most basic way is to use the characters ( and ), for example:

  • (x+y) displays :  .

It is possible to automatically adjust the size of parentheses with \left( and \right), for example:

  • \left( \dfrac {1}{x} \right) displays .

Finally, it is possible to specify the size of the parentheses with \big(, \Big(, \bigg( or \Bigg( :

  • \big( displays 

  • \Big( displays 

  • \bigg( displays 

  • \Bigg( displays 

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