Question #5790   Submitted by Answiki on 01/25/2022 at 05:57:51 PM UTC

What is the feminine of the French word successeur?

Answer   Submitted by Answiki on 01/25/2022 at 05:59:46 PM UTC

In French, successeur is a noun that is always used in the masculine.

The gender of the word successeur is not linked to the person it designates, just like vedette or crapule. We speak about vedette whether it is a man or a woman. It is therefore appropriate to write successeur in the masculine form, even if it refers to a woman.

For example:

Le successeur de M. Draghi est Mme Lagarde. <=> Mr. Draghi's successor is Ms. Lagarde.

Les successeurs étaient toutes des femmes. <=> The successors were all women.

Sometimes successeuse is used as a feminization of the word successeur, but this feminization is considered incorrect by the French Académie (Academie Française).

See also:

7 events in history
Answer by Answiki on 01/25/2022 at 05:59:46 PM

In French, successeur is a noun that is always used in the masculine.

The gender of the word successeur is not linked to the person it designates, just like vedette or crapule. We speak about vedette whether it is a man or a woman. It is therefore appropriate to write successeur in the masculine form, even if it refers to a woman.

For example:

Le successeur de M. Draghi est Mme Lagarde. <=> Mr. Draghi's successor is Ms. Lagarde.

Les successeurs étaient toutes des femmes. <=> The successors were all women.

Sometimes successeuse is used as a feminization of the word successeur, but this feminization is considered incorrect by the French Académie (Academie Française).

See also:

Question by Answiki 01/25/2022 at 05:58:02 PM
What is the feminine of the French word « successeur »?
Question by Answiki 01/25/2022 at 05:57:51 PM
What is the feminine of the French word successeur?
Answer by Answiki on 01/25/2022 at 05:57:02 PM

In French, successeur is a noun that is always used in the masculine.

The gender of the word successeur is not linked to the person it designates, just like vedette or crapule. We speak about vedette whether it is a man or a woman. It is therefore appropriate to write successeur in the masculine form, even if it refers to a woman.

For example:

Le successeur de M. Draghi est Mme Lagarde. <=> Mr. Draghi's successor is Ms. Lagarde.

Les successeurs étaient toutes des femmes. <=> The successors were all women.

Sometimes successeuse is used as a feminization of the word successeur, but this feminization is considered incorrect by the French Académie (Academie Française).

See also:

Question by Answiki 01/25/2022 at 05:56:23 PM
What is the feminine of the word successeur? replaced by #5790.
Answer by Answiki on 01/25/2022 at 05:51:55 PM

In French, successeur is a noun that is always used in the masculine.

The gender of the word successeur is not linked to the person it designates, just like vedette or crapule. We speak about vedette whether it is a man or a woman. It is therefore appropriate to write successeur in the masculine form, even if it refers to a woman.

For example:

Le successeur de M. Draghi est Mme Lagarde. <=> Mr. Draghi's successor is Ms. Lagarde.

Les successeurs étaient toutes des femmes. <=> The successors were all women.

Sometimes successeuse is used as a feminization of the word successeur, but this feminization is considered incorrect by the French Académie (Academie Française).

See also:

  • What is the feminine of the word predecessor?
Question by Answiki 01/25/2022 at 05:48:53 PM
In French, should we say « successeur » ou « successeuse » ?
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