Question #6085
Submitted by Answiki
on 04/15/2022 at 02:03:12 PM UTC
In French, how to Write 'la louze' ?
Merged questions
Submitted by Answiki
on 04/15/2022 at 02:05:17 PM UTC
La lose is an anglicism which comes from the verb to lose. It is therefore appropriate to write it as: la lose.
For example :
C'est trop la lose ! <=> It's too bad!
Answer by Answiki on 04/15/2022 at 02:05:17 PM
La lose is an anglicism which comes from the verb to lose. It is therefore appropriate to write it as: la lose.
For example :
C'est trop la lose ! <=> It's too bad!
Answer by Answiki on 04/15/2022 at 02:04:27 PM
La lose is an anglicism which comes from the verb to lose. It is therefore appropriate to write it as: la lose.
For example :
C'est trop la lose ! <=> It's too bad!
Question by Answiki 04/15/2022 at 02:03:12 PM
In French, how to Write 'la louze' ?
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