Question #6474
Submitted by Answiki
on 08/19/2022 at 11:54:02 AM UTC
How to insert double quotes (") in a string in Google Sheet?
Merged questions
Submitted by Answiki
on 08/19/2022 at 11:55:36 AM UTC
You can insert double quotes in Google Sheet by doubling the double quotes:
=if( C2 = "Paul said : "" Coucou "" ", 1, 0)
The above example check if the cell C2
is equal to « Paul said "Coucou" ».
Answer by Answiki on 08/19/2022 at 11:55:36 AM
You can insert double quotes in Google Sheet by doubling the double quotes:
=if( C2 = "Paul said : "" Coucou "" ", 1, 0)
The above example check if the cell C2
is equal to « Paul said "Coucou" ».
Question by Answiki 08/19/2022 at 11:54:02 AM
How to insert double quotes (") in a string in Google Sheet?
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