Question #6512   Submitted by Answiki on 08/26/2022 at 04:49:43 PM UTC

In French, do we have to agree même (yourself) in the plural?

Answer   Submitted by Answiki on 08/26/2022 at 04:47:50 PM UTC

In French, the agreement of the word même depends on its context of use:

  • When même is used as an adverb (translated by even), it is invariable: Même des enfants le savent. <=> Even children know it.
  • When même is used as an adjective (translated by same), it agrees: Il a les mêmes lunettes. <=> He has the same glasses.
  • When même is preceded by a personal pronoun (translated by itself, yourself, themselves ...), it agrees: Nous le ferons nous-mêmes. <=> We'll do it ourselves.

For example

Même ma mère y arrive ! <=> Even my mother can do it!

J'ai la même robe. <=> I have the same dress.

Elle a les mêmes chaussures. <=> She has the same shoes.

J'ai même débarrassé la table. <=> I even cleared the table.

Les experts eux-mêmes sont étonnés. <=> The experts themselves are amazed.

Ils peuvent le nettoyer eux-même. <=> They can clean it themselves.

Messieurs, vous le ferez vous-mêmes. <=> Gentlemen, you will do it yourselves.

Madame, vous le ferez vous-même. <=> Madam, you will do it yourself.

6 events in history
Question by Answiki 08/26/2022 at 04:49:43 PM
In French, do we have to agree même (yourself) in the plural?
Question by Answiki 08/26/2022 at 04:49:35 PM
In French, do we have to agree même (same) in the plural?
Question by Answiki 08/26/2022 at 04:49:27 PM
In French, do we have to agree même (even) in the plural?
Question by Answiki 08/26/2022 at 04:48:31 PM
In French, do we have to agree the word « même » in the plural?
Answer by Answiki on 08/26/2022 at 04:47:50 PM

In French, the agreement of the word même depends on its context of use:

  • When même is used as an adverb (translated by even), it is invariable: Même des enfants le savent. <=> Even children know it.
  • When même is used as an adjective (translated by same), it agrees: Il a les mêmes lunettes. <=> He has the same glasses.
  • When même is preceded by a personal pronoun (translated by itself, yourself, themselves ...), it agrees: Nous le ferons nous-mêmes. <=> We'll do it ourselves.

For example

Même ma mère y arrive ! <=> Even my mother can do it!

J'ai la même robe. <=> I have the same dress.

Elle a les mêmes chaussures. <=> She has the same shoes.

J'ai même débarrassé la table. <=> I even cleared the table.

Les experts eux-mêmes sont étonnés. <=> The experts themselves are amazed.

Ils peuvent le nettoyer eux-même. <=> They can clean it themselves.

Messieurs, vous le ferez vous-mêmes. <=> Gentlemen, you will do it yourselves.

Madame, vous le ferez vous-même. <=> Madam, you will do it yourself.

Question by Answiki 08/26/2022 at 04:41:50 PM
In French, should we write « eux-même » or « eux-mêmes »?
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