Question #6542   Submitted by Answiki on 09/04/2022 at 04:27:19 PM UTC

In French, should the word Internet be capitalized?

Answer   Submitted by Answiki on 09/04/2022 at 04:32:16 PM UTC

The use of the determiner and the capitalization of the word internet is a controversial issue.

On the website of the French Academy, the word internet is written in lower case and with a determiner. For an official or formal document, this syntax is recommended. Here are some extracts from the Académie française website:

[...] l’accès sans fil à l’internet [...]

[...] sur différents sites de l’internet [...]

[...] vous trouverez sur l’internet [...]

[...] dans des domaines variés (transports, télécommunications, internet, [...]

However, usage seems to be moving towards another alternative:

  • the omission of a determiner ;
  • the use of a capital letter when used as a proper noun;
  • writing it in lower case when used as an adjective.

For example:

L'accès à Internet s'est démocratisé.

Ce site internet est très ergonomique.

J'ai trouvé la réponse sur Internet.

Il prétend être le fondateur d'Internet.

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Answer by Answiki on 09/04/2022 at 04:32:16 PM

The use of the determiner and the capitalization of the word internet is a controversial issue.

On the website of the French Academy, the word internet is written in lower case and with a determiner. For an official or formal document, this syntax is recommended. Here are some extracts from the Académie française website:

[...] l’accès sans fil à l’internet [...]

[...] sur différents sites de l’internet [...]

[...] vous trouverez sur l’internet [...]

[...] dans des domaines variés (transports, télécommunications, internet, [...]

However, usage seems to be moving towards another alternative:

  • the omission of a determiner ;
  • the use of a capital letter when used as a proper noun;
  • writing it in lower case when used as an adjective.

For example:

L'accès à Internet s'est démocratisé.

Ce site internet est très ergonomique.

J'ai trouvé la réponse sur Internet.

Il prétend être le fondateur d'Internet.

Answer by Answiki on 09/04/2022 at 04:31:49 PM

The use of the determiner and the capitalization of the word internet is a controversial issue.

On the website of the French Academy, the word internet is written in lower case and with a determiner. For an official or formal document, this syntax is recommended. Here are some extracts from the Académie française website:

[...] l’accès sans fil à l’internet [...]

[...] sur différents sites de l’internet [...]

[...] vous trouverez sur l’internet [...]

[...] dans des domaines variés (transports, télécommunications, internet, [...]

However, usage seems to be moving towards another alternative:

  • the omission of a determiner ;
  • the use of a capital letter when used as a proper noun;
  • writing it in lower case when used as an adjective.

For example:

L'accès à Internet s'est démocratisé.

Ce site internet est très ergonomique.

J'ai trouvé la réponse sur Internet.

Il prétend être le fondateur d'Internet.

Question by Answiki 09/04/2022 at 04:27:19 PM
In French, should the word Internet be capitalized?
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