Question #6676   Submitted by Answiki on 09/16/2022 at 08:21:23 PM UTC

In Google Sheet, how to add one month to a date?

Answer   Submitted by Answiki on 09/16/2022 at 08:23:45 PM UTC

In Google Sheet, one can add or remove a month from a date with the function MOIS.DECALER(date_début; [mois]). Here are some examples:

To add a month to a given date (07/20/1969 => 08/20/1969):

MOIS.DECALER("07/20/1969"; 1)

To move back a given date by two months (07/20/1969 => 05/20/1969):

MOIS.DECALER("07/20/1969"; -2)

3 events in history
Answer by Answiki on 09/16/2022 at 08:23:45 PM

In Google Sheet, one can add or remove a month from a date with the function MOIS.DECALER(date_début; [mois]). Here are some examples:

To add a month to a given date (07/20/1969 => 08/20/1969):

MOIS.DECALER("07/20/1969"; 1)

To move back a given date by two months (07/20/1969 => 05/20/1969):

MOIS.DECALER("07/20/1969"; -2)

Answer by Answiki on 09/16/2022 at 08:23:34 PM

In Google Sheet, one can add or remove a month from a date with the function MOIS.DECALER(date_début; [mois]). Here are some examples:

To add a month to a given date (07/20/1969 => 08/20/1969) :

MOIS.DECALER("07/20/1969"; 1)

To move back a given date by two months (07/20/1969 => 05/20/1969) :

MOIS.DECALER("07/20/1969"; -2)

Question by Answiki 09/16/2022 at 08:21:23 PM
In Google Sheet, how to add one month to a date?
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