Question #6880   Submitted by Answiki on 10/12/2022 at 10:33:01 AM UTC

In French, should we write "pique" or "pic"?

Answer   Submitted by Answiki on 10/12/2022 at 10:39:55 AM UTC

In French, pic and pique are homonyms that should not be confused

Un pic is a masculine noun that can mean:

  • A maximum: Un pic de croissance (A growth peak).
  • The top of a mountain: Il gravit le pic. (He climbs the peak).
  • A bird (woodpeckers): Les pics frappent du bec. (The woodpeckers strike with their beaks).
  • A tool or utensil: un pic à glace (An ice pick)

Un pique as a masculine noun means:

  • spades in a deck of cards: Il joue l'as de pique. (He plays the ace of spades.)

Une pique as a feminine noun means:

  • Hurtful words: Elle lui lance des piques. (She spikes him).
  • An ancient weapon: Il le transperse de sa pique. ("He spikes him.)
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Answer by Answiki on 10/12/2022 at 10:39:55 AM

In French, pic and pique are homonyms that should not be confused

Un pic is a masculine noun that can mean:

  • A maximum: Un pic de croissance (A growth peak).
  • The top of a mountain: Il gravit le pic. (He climbs the peak).
  • A bird (woodpeckers): Les pics frappent du bec. (The woodpeckers strike with their beaks).
  • A tool or utensil: un pic à glace (An ice pick)

Un pique as a masculine noun means:

  • spades in a deck of cards: Il joue l'as de pique. (He plays the ace of spades.)

Une pique as a feminine noun means:

  • Hurtful words: Elle lui lance des piques. (She spikes him).
  • An ancient weapon: Il le transperse de sa pique. ("He spikes him.)
Question by Answiki 10/12/2022 at 10:33:01 AM
In French, should we write "pique" or "pic"?
Question by Answiki 10/12/2022 at 10:32:41 AM
In French: Pique or pic?
Question by Answiki 10/12/2022 at 10:32:28 AM
In French : Pique or pic? replaced by #6879.
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