What means the French word bifle?
In French, the word bifle means dick-slap.
Bifle is the contraction of french words "bite" (dick) and "gifle" (slap). This noun is also declined in the verbal form: bifler (to dick-slap).
Par exemple :
Accepterais-tu que je te bifle pendant nos rapports sexuels ? <=> Would you mind if I dick slapped you during sex?
La bifle m'excite énormément. <=> The dick slap excites me a lot.
See also :
In French, the word bifle means dick-slap.
Bifle is the contraction of french words "bite" (dick) and "gifle" (slap). This noun is also declined in the verbal form: bifler (to dick-slap).
Par exemple :
Accepterais-tu que je te bifle pendant nos rapports sexuels ? <=> Would you mind if I dick slapped you during sex?
La bifle m'excite énormément. <=> The dick slap excites me a lot.
See also :
In French, the word bifle means dick-slap.
Bifle is the contraction of french words "bite" (dick) and "gifle" (slap).
Par exemple :
Accepterais-tu que je te bifle pendant nos rapports sexuels ? <=> Would you mind if I dick slapped you during sex?
La bifle m'excite énormément. <=> The dick slap excites me a lot.
See also :
In French, the word bifle means dick-slap.
Bifle is the contraction of french words "bite" (dick) and "gifle" (slap).
Par exemple :
Accepterais-tu que je te bifle pendant nos rapports sexuels ? <=> Would you mind if I dick slapped you during sex?
La bifle m'excite énormément. <=> The dick slap excites me a lot.
See also :
In French, the word bifle means dick-slap.
Bifle is the contraction of french words "bite" (dick) and "gifle" (slap).
Par exemple :
Accepterais-tu que je te bifle pendant nos rapports sexuels ? <=> Would you mind if I dick slapped you during sex?
La bifle m'excite énormément. <=> The dick slap excites me a lot.
In French, the word bifle means dick-slap.
Bifle is the contraction of french words "bite" (dick) and "gifle" (slap).
Par exemple :
Accepterais-tu que je te bifle pendant nos rapports sexuels ? <=> Would you mind if I slapped you during sex?
La bifle m'excite énormément. <=> The slap excites me a lot.
In French, the word bifle means dick-slap.
Bifle is the contraction of french words "bite" (dick) and "gifle" (slap).
In French, the word bifle means dick-slap.
Bifle is the contraction of french words "bite" (dick) and "gifle" (slap)
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