Question #5733   Submitted by Answiki on 01/20/2022 at 01:35:56 PM UTC

In French, how to write "Que tu y aies pensé" ?

Answer   Submitted by Answiki on 01/20/2022 at 01:44:50 PM UTC

The correct spelling is:

Que tu y aies pensé.

When we write "que tu y aies pensé" (that you thought about it) it is the verb penser (to think) in the past subjunctive.

For example:

Ça me fait plaisir que tu y aies pensé ! <=> I'm glad you thought about it!

Ça me touche que tu aies pensé à mon anniversaire. <=> It means a lot to me that you thought of my birthday.

Aujourd'hui c'est ma fête, je suis content que tu y aies pensé. <=> Today is my birthday, I'm glad you thought of it.

Ce sont nos 40 ans, je suis content que tu y aies pensé. <=> It's our 40th birthday, I'm glad you thought of it.

4 events in history
Answer by Answiki on 01/20/2022 at 01:44:50 PM

The correct spelling is:

Que tu y aies pensé.

When we write "que tu y aies pensé" (that you thought about it) it is the verb penser (to think) in the past subjunctive.

For example:

Ça me fait plaisir que tu y aies pensé ! <=> I'm glad you thought about it!

Ça me touche que tu aies pensé à mon anniversaire. <=> It means a lot to me that you thought of my birthday.

Aujourd'hui c'est ma fête, je suis content que tu y aies pensé. <=> Today is my birthday, I'm glad you thought of it.

Ce sont nos 40 ans, je suis content que tu y aies pensé. <=> It's our 40th birthday, I'm glad you thought of it.

Answer by Answiki on 01/20/2022 at 01:39:41 PM

The correct spelling is:

Que tu y aies pensé.

When we write "que tu y aies pensé" (that you thought about it) it is the verb penser (to think) in the past subjunctive.

  • The verb avoir (to have) is always written aies.
  • The verb penser (to think) does not agree, because the object complement here is indirect.

For example:

Ça me fait plaisir que tu y aies pensé ! <=> I'm glad you thought about it!

Ça me touche que tu aies pensé à mon anniversaire. <=> It means a lot to me that you thought of my birthday.

Aujourd'hui c'est ma fête, je suis content que tu y aies pensé. <=> Today is my birthday, I'm glad you thought of it.

Ce sont nos 40 ans, je suis content que tu y aies pensé. <=> It's our 40th birthday, I'm glad you thought of it.

Answer by Answiki on 01/20/2022 at 01:39:32 PM

The correct spelling is:

Que tu y aies pensé.

When we write "que tu y aies pensé" (that you thought about it) it is the verb penser (to think) in the past subjunctive.

  • The verb avoir (to have) is always written aies.
  • The verb penser (to think) does not agree, because the object complement here is indirect.

For example:

Ça me fait plaisir que tu y aies pensé ! <=> I'm glad you thought about it!

Ça me touche que tu aies pensé à mon anniversaire. <=> It means a lot to me that you thought of my birthday.

Aujourd'hui c'est ma fête, je suis content que tu y aies pensé. <=> Today is my birthday, I'm glad you thought of it.

Ce sont nos 40 ans, je suis content que tu y aies pensé. <=> It's our 40th birthday, I'm glad you thought of it.

Question by Answiki 01/20/2022 at 01:35:56 PM
In French, how to write "Que tu y aies pensé" ?
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